Monday, June 27, 2011

One Dead PC

Smoking Businesswoman Working On a Computer

I work on a computer all day long.  In between conference calls, running to meetings, putting out fires, and smoothing feathers I take a few minutes to login my food for the day on the WW website.  I don’t have a smart phone yet.  I’m too tight fisted to pay an additional $30 per month for the web access.  So having my WW website to view is a lifesaver when I’m tempted to gnaw a path through the snack table outside of my office.  It’s calming and reassuring to be able to enter my food, calculate points, and watch the weight graph as my weight slowly decreases.

My PC has been iffy for some time.  Taking a long time to boot up, processor running at 100% when I’m not doing anything.  So recently the PC gods saw fit to replace it yesterday.  It has a new platform I have to become accustomed to.  I can that ‘cause I’m flexible.  New keyboard that feels different, not necessarily bad.  So I boot it up and see what she’ll do.
Everything’s fine as I log into WW.  I can read success stories and articles.  Ok, I go to my points tracker to enter my food… IT DOESN’T WORK!!  Panic!  I don’t know if it’s because of the pop-up blocker or some PC setting.  I feel helpless without my WW tools.  I know what I’ve eaten.  I can probably tell you the points value of everything.  But the simple task of logging points has knocked me out of my orbit.  I’m a creature of habit.

So I find this long, round plastic object filled with a blue liquid that I’m told is ink.  The apparatus is called a “pen”.  You drag it across paper and it leaves markings.  How quaint.  So I use this pen-thing and write on something crinkly called paper.  It’s not electronic, but at least it satisfies the logging urge.

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