Friday, June 10, 2011

The Pudgy Penguin begins!!

What on earth is The Pudgy Penguin? It's what I've created in the hopes it will help me to hold myself accountable during the long trek to return to my ideal weight and to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. I know how to do this stuff. You know the "talk the talk, walk the walk"? Well, this Penguin can talk, but at times has had more of a waddle than a walk.

I'm 51 years old (yeah, old enough to know better), have tried diets of Atkins, South Beach, Alli, Weight Watchers and various versions of my own making. To add insult to injury, I was a WW leader 20 years ago. So I know the drill, butI don't do well living it. I discovered WW online last year.  Using it in conjunction with joining a gym I lost 35 pounds (with a goal of losing 70) and felt better than I had in years.  Then life got in the way and I fell off the wagon. I not only fell off of it, but have tracks from where it ran over me. And regained most of the 35 pounds in the process.

Fast forward one year. I've finally had my first ever physical and everything is text book perfect... except my weight. Mom and both Grandmas had Type II diabetes so why am I stuffing my face and waiting for the bomb to drop? WAKE UP CALL!

So in late May I dusted off my online WW membership,stocked the fridge and pantry with good eats and waddled forward. To date I've lost 14.2 pounds. It's a long way to a 70 pound loss from here,but I know it's the only way I'll get there. Placing one little flipper in front of the other. 

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