Monday, June 20, 2011


For some reason I have a GRRRRRRRR attitude today.  Little things that don’t normally bother me are ticking me off.  I have a cup I keep at work to make sure I get my water.  I carried it to the car when I left Friday because I had just refilled it.  I left it there so I would be sure to have it today.  I get to work this morning and reach for it only to find it’s not in the little cup holder.  Hubby must have taken it in the house.  Now I know he had good intentions, but it’s really bugging me.  A co-worker came into my office reeking of cologne.  It normally doesn’t bother me, but today I feel like I’m being smothered.  Ah...  I have a solution.  We all know that a Twinkie, liberally applied over several hours, can help to relieve such emotions, right?   

In the past goofy little incidents like this would have immediately caused the “gotta-stuff-my-face” reaction.  That’s not my immediate reaction today.  I’m proud to say that food as a pacifier didn’t cross my mind.  (I’ve been brain washed!!)  Instead, I got away from my desk (and the overly-scented co-worker) and went for a short walk.  I dug around and found another cup to suffice until I can bring mine from home.  I’m looking for a clothes-pin for my nose so I can breathe.  Maybe a binder clip? 

p.s. Weight loss update:  18 lbs.!!

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