Friday, June 17, 2011

Hamster Wheel


This blog isn’t necessarily about weight loss, but it’s indirectly affected by it.  Lately I feel like a hamster running on one of those little wire wheels.  I run, run, run, and never seem to get anywhere.  And yes, it’s mostly my own fault.

Current schedule of a typical month: 
·         quilt club meeting
·         book club meeting
·         church session meeting (I’m an elder)
·         church committee meeting
·         Cub Scout committee meeting (I’m the Cubmaster)
·         Cub Scout event (during the summer) or
·         four weekly Cub Scout meetings (during the school year)
·         at least one crop (that’s code for scrapbooking for those of you who don’t know)
·         church each Sunday

Somewhere in there are also my workouts at the gym or the alternative of walking in the evening.  I read a lot.  I also do a lot of crafts besides scrapbooking and quilting – sewing, making jewelry, polymer clay, painting…  That’s currently all until I come up with something else to do.  Then there’s the house to clean, grocery shopping, laundry, and spending quality time with family and friends.  There’s some time scheduled in there somewhere to breathe.  I think.  All of this used to make me cringe and feel exhausted even though it’s of my own doing.

I often hear that as women we often don’t take the time for ourselves that we should.  We’re so busy caring for everyone else that we don’t take time for us.  OK, so I’m selfish.  A lot of the stuff listed above is for me.  Now I’ve added to it weight loss. 

The weight loss is for me.  I feel much better physically.  I don’t know if that’s due to not having so much lard to drag around behind me or because I’m eating better and fueling my body.  I feel better mentally because I know I’m doing something I have to in order to be the best that I can.  Not to mention that Skinny Brain kicks in and I feel “foxy”.  (OK, go ahead and laugh now.) 

So in afterthought I’ve decided that I’ve not gotten anywhere, I’ve gotten everywhere!  I now have the energy to jump on my little hamster wheel and take off for the next meeting or whatever is on the schedule.  I guess it’s all related more than I first thought.

Back to the wheel…

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