Friday, August 5, 2011


I admit it’s been too long since there’s been a Pudgy Penguin update.  It’s been a month or more.  Sometimes life gets in the way of my best intentions.  In my last entry I reported a total loss of 19 or 20 lbs.  Now that’s 32.4!  I’ve reached a major milestone here, people!  I now weigh less than at any time in the past six or seven years.  Being able to say that feels REALLY good.  At the current average of losing 1.8 lbs. per week, I can be at my goal by the end of the year.  What a Christmas gift that will be!  Watch out stores ‘cause Donna’s going on a shopping spree! 

Some days of doing this lifestyle change are a lot easier than others.  Occasionally I find myself staring in the pantry or fridge looking for something “safe” to eat.  I learned long ago that if I’m going to accomplish this there are several lifestyle changes that must take place.  One of those is to ALWAYS have Donna food in the house.  I even have a designated cabinet for it, storage for my secret weapons in the War on Flab.

 My husband teases that we go through a lot of frozen fruit these days.   I love Wal-mart’s frozen berry mix made up of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Thawed in the fridge, add a sprinkle or two of Splenda and it makes a perfect dessert.  It satisfies my sweet tooth and keeps me out of trouble.  Another is my salad.  I’ve NEVER been a big veggie eater, but I’ve forced myself to at least try different things in an attempt to eat healthier.  I’ve discovered what’s called a spring mix of tender greens that I like.  Finding a reasonably healthy dressing was a challenge, but I finally found Ken’s raspberry walnut vinaigrette.  I have a firm rule of if it doesn’t taste good, I’m not eating it matter how good it is for me or what it cost.  Ken’s is GOOD.  (My friends still freak when they see me eating green stuff .)  And Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches are to die for!  I selfishly hoard my SK sandwiches and eat one each night as my special treat.  I love my family, but they have their own treats.

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